You wouldn’t take on a home improvement project without considering the cost of supplies and labor relative to the resale and enjoyment value you’d get out of it, would you? If you’ve ever performed a cost-benefit analysis of any kind, you can understand the general principle behind value engineering. Value engineering in Idaho considers building […]
Read MoreWhat Is an ALTA Survey?
Despite what a lot of people might think, all land surveys are not created equal. Some surveys provide far more detailed information about a piece of land than others. One of the most comprehensive surveys available is called an ALTA survey—a survey that meets the minimum standards set by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) […]
Read MoreWhat Equipment Do Land Surveyors Use?
Land surveyors are both highly skilled and highly trained professionals. Even with all their training and schooling, though, they wouldn’t be able to perform their job without the tools of the trade. This post will cover the essential equipment that’s used for land surveying in Idaho. Theodolite A theodolite is an adjustable telescope mounted within […]
Read MoreWhat Is Land Planning?
Even those who have little to no experience in construction have likely come into contact with a land surveyor or a civil engineer. Land surveyors help with new construction on private property, and they’re called in to settle boundary disputes between warring neighbors. Civil engineers are the ones who oversee new construction in a variety […]
Read MoreHow Does Land Surveying Work?
Every day, people from all walks of life find themselves in need of a talented land surveyor. Are you building something new on your property, like a shed or a fence? Is a neighbor infringing on your property? Are you searching for utilities on your property? Whether your needs are residential, commercial or industrial, you […]
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